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Piercing Aftercare 

Cleaning solutions:

Pre-packaged sterile saline solution/"wound wash", is a great, gentle option for cleaning your new/healing piercing. It is considered the industry standard. (Neilmed is our favorite!) If using any type of soap, use a gentle antimicrobial soap with no dyes, fragrance or the ingredient "Triclosan". 



Cleaning instructions:

  • Wash your hands well before any touching/washing!

  • Rinse as needed with your saline solution 2-3 times a day/as needed during healing, removing any lymph/crusties from your jewelry and piercing site. If needed you may also saturate a clean paper towels or gauze pad to gently wipe anything away.

  • If using soap, gently lather soap and water in your fingers, apply to the piercing site, and gently rub, removing any lymph/crusties. Rinse thoroughly. 

  • You may then gently pat the area dry with a clean, disposable paper product such as a paper towel. Cloth towels/rags can harbor bacteria and also snag! Ouch!


Oral piercing specific care: 


  • ​Keeping good oral hygiene is important in keeping a healthy mouth, and piercing. You will want to floss, brush and use mouth wash at least twice a day. Though, it is vital to not overuse the mouth wash. Do not use more than 2-3 times a day. 

  • Rinse your mouth out with water (preferably bottled or filtered) thoroughly after every time you eat, drink or smoke.

  •  Clean the outer portion of your piercing with a sterile saline solution 2-3 times a day / as needed during healing, removing any lymph/crusties from your jewelry and piercing site.​​

  • Once the swelling has subsided, it is vital to downsize oral piercings (replacing the original, longer jewelry with a shorter post) to avoid damage to the teeth and gums.

  • Avoid eating spicy, salty, acidic, or hot temperature foods or beverages for the first two weeks (no specific foods need to be avoided). 

  • For outer lip piercings: be cautious about opening your mouth too wide, as this can result in the jewelry catching on your teeth. Also be careful while chewing/eating!

  • Avoid using mouthwash containing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. It can irritate the piercing and delay healing.

  • Avoid oral sexual contact including wet kissing or oral sex during healing.


What's normal?:


  • Initially; a little bit of bleeding, soreness, swelling, and maybe some slight bruising to the area in some cases. 

  • During your healing; a little less, but still some swelling and soreness. some slight discoloration or redness to the piercing site, and some secretion of a whitish yellow fluid. 

  •  (It's not pus, it's actually lymphatic discharge! It's your white blood cells! Just make sure you clean it off because when dry, it can be irritating to your piercing!)

  • For lip piercings, it is typical for the jewelry to “nest” slightly into the lip (on the inside) once it is healed.


Not normal?: 


  • Extreme swelling to the point that it looks like your jewelry is embedding or "sinking in" to your skin.

  • Green or brown, smelly discharge.

  • A purple or red ring around your piercing. 

  • Yellowish blisters on or around your piercing site. 

  • Extreme ongoing pain or excess bleeding. 


If any of these things occur, contact your piercer asap, and if infection is truly suspected, go see your doctor!



The no-no list:


  • Avoid ointments or cleaners such as Betadine, Bactine, Hibiclens, alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, Dial or any other soaps containing Triclosan like we said earlier! All of these things can damage cells, cause irritation and delay healing. 

  • Avoid ear care solutions from mall piercing stores.

  • Don't over clean, this can irritate and delay your healing.

  • Avoid any trauma such as friction from tight clothing, tugging/playing with jewelry, and or sleeping on any healing piercings.

  • These things can lead to scar tissue, migration, delayed healing and more. 

  • Avoid all oral contact, or contact with others' bodily fluids on or near your piercing during the healing process. 

  • Avoid submerging your piercing in unhygienic bodies of water like, swimming pools, hot tubs, lakes, rivers, etc. You may use a waterproof bandage if necessary. 


Helpful things to note!: 


  • Your piercing might seem healed before it actually is, that's because they heal from the outside-in. Even though the outside might look and feel fine, the inside is still fragile. Be very careful during your healing process! 

  • It's best not to change your jewelry until your piercing is healed unless completely necessary! If need be, come back into the shop for us to help you! 

  • Contact us if your jewelry needs to be removed, (such as for a medical procedure)! There's a good chance we can put in a non metallic spacer/retainer for you! 

  • If you want to keep your piercing, leave jewelry in at all times. Even old, well healed piercings can begin to shrink or even close up within minutes. If removed, re-insertion can be difficult and in some cases impossible. 

  • For threaded jewelry (the kind with ends that twist on and off), check them regularly! Righty tighty, lefty loosey. 



Any other questions?


Give us a call or reach out to a piercer directly through their Instagram.

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